Joining Norwich Guest Wireless, Windows

Connecting to the Norwich Guest Network on a PC

  1. Press the Windows key and the A key on your keyboard to bring up the Action Center in the bottom right corner of your screen
  2. Click “Network” to open your network list

  1. Click on the “guest” network.

  1. Click “connect” to begin the connection process.

  1. Once connected a browser window should open and take you to this page.

  1. If you do not see this page or a browser window does not automatically pop up, follow these steps.
  • Open a web browser.
  • Enter a website address that you do not regularly visit into the address bar, for example:
  • This should redirect you to the Terms of Service page where you can scroll down and accept the terms.
  1. You must scroll down to the bottom of the Terms of Service for the “Accept” button to turn blue. Click “Accept” to agree to the Terms of Service to connect to the network.

  1. Once you see this screen, you may use the Internet as you normally would.

Please Note:

Some websites, VPNs, and services may be blocked due to our Cyber Security Services.

We take your and our privacy, safety and security seriously.

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