Shared Drives and Migration to OneDrive for Department Files.
In a long-term project undertaken by NU IT, many departments today no longer use the old Shared Drive (M:\ and N:\) network locations for shared data. IT has been methodically assisting departments in moving data from these local devices to the cloud. Part of this project first requires the creation of a new Sharepoint page for the department in question, and then the data is migrated. Finally, users with the proper permissions to the Sharepoint page can use their OneDrive client to sync the cloud storage files, much like the old network shares.
During the migration, Norwich IT has strived to keep a standard naming convention for cloud-based storage. In the case of each department, users can navigate to the new Sharepoint location using the following base URL completed with the department name.
In the URL, you would substitute your department name at the end. In the case of IT, the full URL would be When you load the page, authenticate with your Norwich credentials if not already authenticated to Office365.
When the Sharepoint page opens, scroll down through the webpage until you find documents in the left-hand column. Select Shared Documents as that is the location of the data uploaded from your department’s shared drive (M:\ or N:\).
Now that you are looking at the content synced to the Sharepoint page, please click Sync. The Sync action connects the Sharepoint repository to your OneDrive App. You now have access to your department files via File Explorer.