Faculty may bulk download NUoodle course content

Instructions to download all NUoodle course content to your PC

For any NUoodle course they teach, faculty may download all content to their computer.

  1. Enter the course
  2. On the front page of the course, click the menu item named [Settings]
    1. If you are blocked from the [Settings] page, email sgrindle@norwich.edu and ask for [Manager] access.
  3. In the new view, find the setting named [Enable download course content]
  4. Change the setting to [Yes]
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click [Save and Display]
  6. On the front page of the course, click the menu item named [More] and click [Download course content]
  7. In the pop-up message click [Download]
  8. Save the compressed zip file to a location on your computer and unzip it to see a long list of folders that contain all the content of your NUoodle course

See the video for an example of how it is done.


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Article ID: 151148
Tue 4/30/24 2:29 PM
Mon 5/6/24 7:10 AM