NUoodle - Announcements vs Quickmail


What's the difference between Announcements and Quickmail in NUoodle?


Emailing students


Faculty may use [Announcements] or [Course Announcements] in their NUoodle courses to
  • post information 
  • and simultaneously
  • broadcast that same information in an email to all NUoodle course members (including themselves)
All current and past announcements are posted permanently in NUoodle for viewing anytime by anyone in the class.
  • Email sent from NUoodle is sent in bulk to the world wide web and lands in whatever email client students and faculty use.
  • Factors that affect the delivery of email from NUoodle to client include
    • the options that users select in both NUoodle and their personal email client
    • how ISP's handle bulk email
  • Fortunately, all announcements posted in NUoodle persist so all students and faculty may click [announcements] in NUoodle to see any and all topics sent by the faculty.
  • Unlike other [Forums] only faculty may post to the [Announcements] forum.
  • In combined enrollment (meta) courses, faculty may edit the settings of the forum, find [Common module settings] and change the group mode to [Separate] groups to send announcements to only selected groups.
  • The [Announcement] forum is automatically placed at the top of all NUoodle courses every semester.
  • When importing or re-using content from a previous course, the previous [Announcement] forum may be imported, It is recommended that faculty delete the duplicate [Announcement] activity,


As of 1-Oct-2023 Quickmail is available and faculty can edit their Block Drawer and add Quickmail to their course.


  • In [Quickmail]
    • faculty may choose individual students
    • nothing is posted in the NUoodle course, thus if email isn't received, there is no public record in NUoodle



Article ID: 147337
Wed 9/20/23 2:02 PM
Wed 11/15/23 2:26 PM