Mac WiFi error; Joining Norwich wireless.

Resolve Errors Related to Connecting to Norwich Wireless Network.

There are occasions when trying to join the Norwich wireless network on your Apple computer that, even with good user name and password, your machine will refuse to connect.  Often you will get an error that appears similar to this;

Here are steps that may remedy this problem.

  1. Open a new Finder window on your Mac.
  2. Navigate to the folder Macintosh Library/Preference/SystemConfigurations.  If Finder is active at the top of your screen click "Go."


  1. In this location you will find several .plist files associated with System Preference. 

  1. You will want to delete the files preference.plist, NetworkInterfaces.plist, and
  2. Restart your Macintosh computer.
  3. Try to join the network.  This should generate new preference files.
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