Moving Data from OneDrive
Here are some ways you can move your OneDrive data to another location. This will include using the SSO, the iPad, and moving to another folder or USB Drive on Windows or Mac.
Using the SSO:
- Sign-in to the Norwich SSO dashboard at http;//
- Once the page loads click the waffle or tic-tac-toe icon in the top left of the browser window and select OneDrive

- Once the OneDrive page loads, Click New and then click Folder. Name the folder something meaningful and click Create

- Once the folder is created, start moving all files and folders into the folder you created. There are many ways to do this, the quickest and easiest is to select all of the files using the select all button, and then DESELECTING the backup folder

- Then, drag the files into the backup folder

- The move may take some time depending on how many files you have in your OneDrive. Once the move is complete, select the folder and then select download in the navigation bar

Using the iPad and an External USB:
NOTE: If you only have an iPad you will need to purchase this adapter:
- Your USB Drive MUST be formatted in exFAT if you want to be able to view the files on both a Mac and Windows machine.
Note: Your iPad cannot format the drive. This must be done with a computer using the software built into both Windows and Mac OS. You can find out how to do that Here
- Plug the USB Drive into the adapter we linked above. Make sure to plug in a USB to Lightning cable into the adapter as well and plug the other side into a power cube. The iPad may not be able to power all USB drives on its own and providing power through the pass-through Lightning port can ensure the process works correctly.
- It should look something like this:

- Once you have made the physical connections, open the Files app on your iPad

- Once the Files app is open, you should see your OneDrive as a location on the left in the Sidebar. If you do not see OneDrive on the sidebar, you can find out how to do it Here

- Select OneDrive - Norwich University in the Location box This will open your OneDrive directory within the app. Once it is open, long-press on the folder called Files. This will open the item settings window

- When you long-press and then let go, you will see this window, tap Copy

- Next, select your formatted External USB Drive in the locations section. In this example, it is called EXTERNAL DR

- Once you have selected your External USB long-press in any blank space on the right side of the screen where files and folders normally show up. This will bring up an options bar. Click Paste and the app will start to copy all of the contents of your OneDrive to the External USB Drive.

- This process may take some time depending on how many files you have stored in your OneDrive. It is advised you do not switch to any other apps or lock your iPad during this process
From a Mac:
This method is for when you are logged into the OneDrive app on your Mac.
- Go to the OneDrive icon on the top status bar and click it

- Click on the “Open Folder” icon at the bottom of the pop-up

- You can either select specific files/folders you want to move or select them all. For this example, I will select all the folders using ‘Command⌘ + A’

- Click and drag the folders to the folder/drive you want to save to. It may take some time depending on how many files you have
(If you are using an USB drive, make sure it has enough space to hold all of the files)

Using Windows:
Make sure you have the OneDrive app set up on Windows before starting this process.
- Open the OneDrive folder. This can be done a couple ways.
- Open Files Explorer and click on the OneDrive folder on the Left. If you are logged in to more than one OneDrive account, make sure you select the one named “OneDrive – Norwich University”

- Open the OneDrive app on the taskbar. If you do not see the OneDrive icon, hit the up arrow ‘^’. If you have two icons, hover over the icon and make sure it says OneDrive – Norwich University and click on it. Select the “Open Folder” icon at the bottom of the pop-up window to open the OneDrive folder.

You can either select specific files/folders you want to move or select them all. For this example, I will select all the folders using ‘Crtl+ A’

3. Click and drag the folders to the folder/drive you want to save to. It may take some time depending on how many files you have
(If you are using an USB drive, make sure it has enough space to hold all of the files)
