Network Compatibility for Game Consoles, Media Streamers, and Smart Devices

Unlike computers and smartphones, most game consoles, smart TVs, media streamers, and smart home devices are not designed to be used on WPA2-Enterprise wireless networks that utilize 802.1x authentication. These devices will, most likely, not be able to connect to the Norwich University wireless network. Fortunately, some of these devices are able to connect to the wired network using a direct-wired connection via a built-in network port on the device and an ethernet cable or through the use of a USB ethernet adapter and an ethernet cable.

Please look for your device below to see if a wired network connection is possible.



Network Compatible Devices
Device Wired
Amazon Echo smart speakers and smart displays
Amazon FireTV/Fire Stick
Apple TV
Chromecast and Chromecast Ultra
Chromecast with GoogleTV
Nintendo Wii or any DS model
Nintendo Switch or Wii U
PlayStation 3/4/5
Roku 2/3/Premiere+/4/Ultra – any Roku device with an Ethernet port
Roku Streaming Stick/Roku TV/Express/Premiere – any Roku device without an Ethernet port
Google Home/Nest, Alexa, Apple, or Sonos branded smart speakers, smart displays, and smart home devices

Smart lights, smart doorbells, smart home bridges/hubs, smart webcams

  • Basically, any smart home device that uses WiFi or ethernet for connectivity

Wired/Wireless Printers (A hard-wired USB connection to your computer is the only way to use your own printer)
Xbox 360/One/One X/One S/Series X/Series S
Compatibility Key:
This device can connect using a compatible ethernet adapter - see device manufacturer for compatible adapters
This device can connect natively since it has a hard-wired ethernet connection
This device cannot connect to the Norwich University network.


Connecting your device:

** Prior to plugging your device in, please make sure that your device does not have a custom name assigned to it (e.g. “ITUSS_xBoxOne”), and has the default name (e.g. “Xbox” or “Xbox-One”). This will mostly apply to game systems. **

If you have plugged your device into an active port and it does not immediately work, this is normal.
Please leave your device plugged in and inactive for ~24 hours (this will allow the device to profile and be identified by the network).

If your device is compatible (using the information in the table above) and you have followed the above instructions, and your device still cannot connect, please request service or email the IT Help Desk at with the following information:

  • Dorm
  • Room Number
  • Type of device
  • MAC Address of your device - or the MAC Address of the USB Ethernet adapter if you are using one
  • Port Number being used (A-20, F-41, etc..)




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