Saved Passwords for Printing on Mac

Saved Passwords for Printing on Mac.


The Mac OS operating system provides many ways to help you in accessing systems and services that require authentication.  While on the Windows side a computer often provides your local user credentials for the domain tied machine the Mac cannot perform that task.  One way to circumvent this issue is to save your password for printing, and other services, to Apple's Keychain Access utility.  What happens though when you change your password?  Keychain Access does not recognize that your password has changed and will continue to send you old (expired) password to the service.  The steps below will illustrate how to remove that old password, and force the printing system to ask you to authenticate with your new password.


  1. After changing your password, preferably using JamfConnect, launch Keychain Access.  You can chose "Go," from your menu bar and select Utilities to find the app, or use Spotlight, Command key and Spacebar, to enable the search function.

  1. After clicking on the Keychain Access app you will be greeted with all saved passwords, security keys, and Certificates saved on your machine. Please chose Login in the upper left, and then passwords below.

  1. Highlight the printer(s) in question.  For th IT department the device is Juckett 101.

  1. After highlighting the entry in the list, and depressing your delete key, Keychain Access will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the saved password.  Please select delete again, or depress enter to confirm the action.

Having now deleted the old password your machine will ask you for your current password the next time you print.  It will also ask you if you want to save the password to Keychains. If you save the password you will not have to authenticate to print going forward, but you will have to delete the saved password the next time you attempt to print after again changing your password.

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