How to Create a Signature in the Outlook Web Application

Email is the primary method of communication used by Staff and students alike. While there are many different applications to send and receive an email with Norwich IT support Microsoft Outlook. It is considered a Norwich standard to include a signature block with all messages when sending an email. The following document will provide instructions on creating a signature in Outlook for Windows, and the Norwich signature standard is.

  1. Navigate to the Norwich/Microsoft MyApps page. Our published shortcut is

  1. On the SSO page pictured above, click on the waffle in the upper left-hand corner

  1. In the drop-down that appears, please select Outlook.

  1. After Outlook opens in the new browser tab (or window), please click on the gear at the upper right and select “View all Outlook settings….”

  1. In the new window that appears, now select Compose and Reply and then click plus for New signature. See this article for signature standards.